Trolling fishing  experiences  in the Arctic Circle  of Miekojärvi in  Torne River Valley in Lapland

Trolling for zander in their northernmost natural habitat lake Miekojärvi. The best time for trolling on the lake in  June  and  July is  6 pm to  1 am. From August to October, the timetable moves forward a little due to the encroaching darkness. Other catches can include pike, perch and trout. Trolling happens on a Sirmet ferry which contains all the equipment necessary for trolling. You can also use your own rod and lures if preferred. The captain and guide of the vessel is a fishing professional. He or she teaches the most important aspects of trolling, as well as offering information about fishing the lake and its history.

During storms, we do not travel on the lake, as trolling is not reasonably effective, and it is unsafe to move on the water. A fishing permit is required for those aged 18-64 who wish to troll the lake. The fishing permit can be easily obtained from the Erä website.

Our options for trolling include:


Trip lasts about 5 hours (max. 5 pax)

  • Departure from the Pello`s Sirkkakoski fishing   harbor
  • Trolling time, about 5 hours
  • Participants bring their own lunches
  • If desired, participants can take 20% of the catch with them
  • PRICE  550 €

Trip lasts about 6 hours (max. 5 pax)

  • Trolling time, about 3 hours
  • dining on a campfire with fish from Miekojärvi in Orhinselänniemi, duration approx. 1 hour
  • Trolling continues for 2 hours
  • If desired, participants can take 20% of the catch with them
  • PRICE 690 €


If you have special requests, please inquire for a price quote. We will try to customise the fishing experience to your liking.